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abcdesktop in kubernetes mode

abcdesktop release 3.x support only kubernetes mode. All applications containers can be distributed on different hosts.

The abcdesktop infrastructure is using the contianers :

Container Role Image From
oc.pyos API Server abcdesktopio/oc.pyos:3.0 abcdesktopio
oc.nginx web server proxy abcdesktopio/oc.nginx:3.0 abcdesktopio
oc.speedtest http benchmarch abcdesktopio/oc.speedtest LibreSpeed
oc.mongo json database server mongo MongoDB
memcached cache server memcached Memcached


You need to have a

  • kubernetes cluster ready to run
  • kubectl or microk8s command-line tool must be configured to communicate with your cluster.
  • openssl and curl command line must be installed too.

You can run the Quick installation process or choose the Manually installation step by step

Quick installation (Linux or macOS)

Quick installation can be run on Linux or macOS operation system.

Download and extract the latest release automatically (Linux or macOS):

curl -sL | bash

The command above downloads the latest release (numerically) of The quick installation process runs the all commands step by step:

  • create the abcdesktop namespace
  • create clusterRole and service account
  • build all rsa keys pairs for jwt signing and payload encryption
  • download the default configuration file od.config
  • create all services, deployments, secrets and configmaps
  • fetch pod user's container images

Manually installation step by step (Linux, macOS or Windows)

The following commands will let you deploy an abcdesktop on the master node. All applications run on a single server.

Install abcdesktop

Step 1: Create abcdesktop namespace

We will create the abcdesktop namespace and set it as default :

kubectl create namespace abcdesktop

You should read on the standard output

namespace/abcdesktop created

Option : To use the namespace abcdestkop as default namespace kubectl config set-context $(kubectl config current-context) --namespace=abcdesktop

All kubectl commands will be executed with abcdesktop namespace.
This will avoid to add "-n abcdesktop" to all commands.

Step 2: Secure abcdesktop JWT exchange

User JWT is signed. So we need to define a (private, public) RSA keys for signing. Desktop JWT is encrypted AND signed. So we need to define a (private, public) RSA keys for signing, and a (private, public) RSA keys to encrypt data.

  • The JWT payload is encrypted with the abcdesktop jwt desktop payload private by pyos
  • The JWT payload is decrypted with the abcdesktop jwt desktop payload public keys by nginx.

Please use the payload private as private key, and the payload public as private key. Do not publish the public key. This public key must stay private, this is a special case, this is not stupid, it's only a more secure option.

  • The JSON Web Tokens payload is signed with the abcdesktop jwt desktop signing private keys
  • The JSON Web Tokens payload is verified with the abcdesktop jwt desktop signing public keys.

  • The JSON Web Tokens user is signed with the abcdesktop jwt user signing private keys by pyos.

  • The JSON Web Tokens user is verified with the abcdesktop jwt user signing public keys by pyos

    As multiple pods of pyos can run simultaneously, the same private and public keys value are stored into kubernetes secret.

The abcdesktop jwt desktop payload public key is read by nginx lua script. The exported the public key need the RSAPublicKey_out option, to use the RSAPublicKey format. The RSAPublicKey format make key file format compatible between python 3.x jwt module and lua jwt lib.

The following commands will let you create all necessary keys :

openssl genrsa -out abcdesktop_jwt_desktop_payload_private_key.pem 1024
openssl rsa -in abcdesktop_jwt_desktop_payload_private_key.pem -outform PEM -pubout -out  _abcdesktop_jwt_desktop_payload_public_key.pem
openssl rsa -pubin -in _abcdesktop_jwt_desktop_payload_public_key.pem -RSAPublicKey_out -out abcdesktop_jwt_desktop_payload_public_key.pem
openssl genrsa -out abcdesktop_jwt_desktop_signing_private_key.pem 1024
openssl rsa -in abcdesktop_jwt_desktop_signing_private_key.pem -outform PEM -pubout -out abcdesktop_jwt_desktop_signing_public_key.pem
openssl genrsa -out abcdesktop_jwt_user_signing_private_key.pem 1024
openssl rsa -in abcdesktop_jwt_user_signing_private_key.pem -outform PEM -pubout -out abcdesktop_jwt_user_signing_public_key.pem

Then, create the kubernetes secrets from the new key files:

kubectl create secret generic abcdesktopjwtdesktoppayload --from-file=abcdesktop_jwt_desktop_payload_private_key.pem --from-file=abcdesktop_jwt_desktop_payload_public_key.pem --namespace=abcdesktop
kubectl create secret generic abcdesktopjwtdesktopsigning --from-file=abcdesktop_jwt_desktop_signing_private_key.pem --from-file=abcdesktop_jwt_desktop_signing_public_key.pem --namespace=abcdesktop
kubectl create secret generic abcdesktopjwtusersigning --from-file=abcdesktop_jwt_user_signing_private_key.pem --from-file=abcdesktop_jwt_user_signing_public_key.pem --namespace=abcdesktop

You should read on the standard output :

secret/abcdesktopjwtdesktoppayload created
secret/abcdesktopjwtdesktopsigning created
secret/abcdesktopjwtusersigning created

Only if you use a private registry or if the abcdesktop registry is private Create Secret to allow kubernetes to download abcdesktop images from docker registry.
For this part you need to change docker-username and docker-password by credentials provided by project owner. If you don't have this values, you will have to build abcdesktop images by yourself.

change docker.json path if need /root/.docker/config.json kubectl create secret generic abcdesktopregistrysecret --from-file=.dockerconfigjson=/root/.docker/config.json -n abcdesktop

Verify Secrets

You can verify secrets creation with the following command :

kubectl get secrets -n abcdesktop

You should read on the standard output :

NAME                           TYPE                                  DATA   AGE
default-token-5zknd     3      6m6s
abcdesktopjwtdesktoppayload   Opaque                                2      68s
abcdesktopjwtdesktopsigning   Opaque                                2      68s
abcdesktopjwtusersigning      Opaque                                2      67s

Step 3: Download user pod images

Create a pod user to make sure that Kubernetes will find the docker images at startup time.

kubectl create -f

You should read on stdout

pod/anonymous-74bea267-8197-4b1d-acff-019b24e778c5 created

You can wait for user pod is Ready, this while take a while, for container images are downloading.

kubectl wait --for=condition=Ready pod/anonymous-74bea267-8197-4b1d-acff-019b24e778c5  -n abcdesktop --timeout=-1s
pod/anonymous-74bea267-8197-4b1d-acff-019b24e778c5 condition met

You can delete the user pod anonymous-74bea267-8197-4b1d-acff-019b24e778c5. This container images are downloaded.

kubectl delete -f

Step 4: Download and create the abcdesktop config file

Download the od.config file. This is the main file for pyos control plane.

curl --output od.config

Create the config map abcdesktop-config in the abcdesktop namespace

kubectl create configmap abcdesktop-config --from-file=od.config -n abcdesktop

You should read on sdtout

configmap/abcdesktop-config created

Step 5: Create the abcdesktop pods and services

abcdesktop.yaml file contains declarations for all roles, service account, pods, and services required for abcdesktop.

Run the command line

kubectl create -f

You should read on the standard output created created
serviceaccount/pyos-serviceaccount created
configmap/configmap-mongodb-scripts created
configmap/nginx-config created
secret/secret-mongodb created
deployment.apps/mongodb-od created
deployment.apps/memcached-od created
deployment.apps/nginx-od created
deployment.apps/speedtest-od created
deployment.apps/pyos-od created
endpoints/desktop created
service/desktop created
service/memcached created
service/mongodb created
service/speedtest created
service/nginx created
service/pyos created
deployment.apps/openldap-od created
service/openldap created
Verify Pods

Once the pods are created, all pods should be in Running status.
For the first time, please wait for downloading all container images. It can take a while.

kubectl get pods -n abcdesktop

You should read on the standard output

NAME                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
memcached-od-57c57c4f9d-92fs2   1/1     Running   0          59m
mongodb-od-f69ff6b5b-v6ztc      1/1     Running   0          59m
nginx-od-58f86c4dc8-8n9lf       1/1     Running   0          59m
openldap-od-d66d66bf4-84lg8     1/1     Running   0          59m
pyos-od-5586b88767-6gdtk        1/1     Running   0          59m
speedtest-od-6c59bdff75-n6s66   1/1     Running   0          59m

Connect your local abcdesktop

Open your navigator to http://[your-ip-hostname]:30443/

abcdesktop homepage should be available :

abcdesktop Anonymous login

Click on the Connect with Anonymous access button. abcdesktop service pyos is creating a new pod.

abcdesktop main screen login pending

Few seconds later, processes are ready to run. You should see the abcdesktop main screen, with no application in the dock.

abcdesktop main screen ready

Great you have installed in Kubernetes mode. You just need a web browser to reach your web workspace. It' now time to add some container applications. Read the chapter add kubernetes contain


All kubernetes resources can be inspected to get more informations.

First list elements you want to verify, in the following case, we will inspect pods :

kubectl get pods -n abcdesktop
NAME                            READY   STATUS             RESTARTS   AGE
nginx-od-db69c45fb-qnd4n        1/1     Running            0          92s
pyos-od-5586b88767-6gdtk        1/1     Running            0          92s
memcached-od-db69c45fb-mqt4n    1/1     Running            0          92s
mongodb-od-ff874fcb5-sm6f7      1/1     Running            0          92s
speedtest-od-55c58fdd69-5znpr   0/1     ImagePullBackOff   0          92s

As we can see, status is "ImagePullBackOff" for speedtest-od pod.
We will then ask kubernetes to describe the pod with the following command :

kubectl describe pod speedtest-od-55c58fdd69-t99ck -n abcdesktop

In this case, the important information part is at the end (it's not always the case, you can also look at "Conditions:" section) :

      Type     Reason   Age                    From             Message
      ----     ------   ----                   ----             -------
      Warning  Failed   7m6s (x4837 over 18h)  kubelet, cube05  Error: ImagePullBackOff
      Normal   BackOff  2m9s (x4860 over 18h)  kubelet, cube05  Back-off pulling image "registry.mydomain.local:443/oc.speedtest"

As we can see, in this case, Kubernetes had a problem to pull oc.speedtest image from registry.

Verify the deployments
kubectl get deployment -n abcdesktop

You should read on the standard output

memcached-od   1/1     1            1           10m
mongodb-od     1/1     1            1           10m
nginx-od       1/1     1            1           4m26s
openldap-od    1/1     1            1           10m
pyos-od        1/1     1            1           3m2s
speedtest-od   1/1     1            1           10m
Verify service ports
kubectl get services -n abcdesktop

You should read on the standard output

NAME        TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)           AGE
desktop     ClusterIP   None             <none>        <none>            11m
memcached   ClusterIP    <none>        11211/TCP         11m
mongodb     ClusterIP    <none>        27017/TCP         11m
nginx       NodePort   <none>        80:30443/TCP      11m
openldap    ClusterIP    <none>        389/TCP,636/TCP   11m
pyos        ClusterIP     <none>        8000/TCP          11m
speedtest   ClusterIP    <none>        80/TCP            11m
Verify cluster roles

cluster roles are disable by default

kubectl describe ClusterRole pyos-role -n abcdesktop

You should read on the standard output

Name:         pyos-role
Labels:       <none>
Annotations:  <none>
  Resources                 Non-Resource URLs  Resource Names  Verbs
  ---------                 -----------------  --------------  -----
  pods/ephemeralcontainers  []                 []              [create get list watch update patch delete]
  pods/exec                 []                 []              [create get list watch update patch delete]
  persistentvolumes         []                 []              [get list create delete]
  persistentvolumeclaims    []                 []              [get list update create delete]
  configmaps                []                 []              [get list watch create update patch delete]
  pods                      []                 []              [get list watch create update patch delete]
  secrets                   []                 []              [get list watch create update patch delete]
  events                    []                 []              [get list watch]
  pods/log                  []                 []              [get list watch]
  endpoints                 []                 []              [get list]
  nodes                     []                 []              [get watch list]
Verify Cluster Role Bindind

cluster roles Bindind are disable by default

kubectl describe ClusterRoleBinding pyos-rbac -n abcdesktop

You should read on the standard output

Name:         pyos-rbac
Labels:       <none>
Annotations:  <none>
  Kind:  ClusterRole
  Name:  pyos-role
  Kind            Name                 Namespace
  ----            ----                 ---------
  ServiceAccount  pyos-serviceaccount  abcdesktop

Read pyos logs

kubectl logs -l run=pyos-od -n abcdesktop --follow -n abcdesktop

You should read on the standard output

2023-05-17 13:29:08 od [INFO   ] __main__.trace_request:anonymous /healthz
2023-05-17 13:29:18 od [INFO   ] __main__.trace_request:anonymous /healthz
2023-05-17 13:29:28 od [INFO   ] __main__.trace_request:anonymous /healthz
2023-05-17 13:29:38 od [INFO   ] __main__.trace_request:anonymous /healthz
2023-05-17 13:29:48 od [INFO   ] __main__.trace_request:anonymous /healthz
2023-05-17 13:29:58 od [INFO   ] __main__.trace_request:anonymous /healthz
2023-05-17 13:30:08 od [INFO   ] __main__.trace_request:anonymous /healthz
2023-05-17 13:30:18 od [INFO   ] __main__.trace_request:anonymous /healthz
2023-05-17 13:30:28 od [INFO   ] __main__.trace_request:anonymous /healthz
2023-05-17 13:30:38 od [INFO   ] __main__.trace_request:anonymous /healthz
2023-05-17 13:30:48 od [INFO   ] __main__.trace_request:anonymous /healthz

Rollout deployment

To rollout restart the abcdesktop deployment

kubectl rollout restart deployment -n abcdesktop

You should read on the standard output

deployment.apps/memcached-od restarted
deployment.apps/mongodb-od restarted
deployment.apps/nginx-od restarted
deployment.apps/openldap-od restarted
deployment.apps/pyos-od restarted
deployment.apps/speedtest-od restarted

Check the pods status

kubectl get pods -n abcdesktop

You should read on the standard output

NAME                            READY   STATUS        RESTARTS   AGE
memcached-od-64c56f9458-jcf9x   1/1     Running       0          32s
mongodb-od-5b5cc9946d-q7fph     1/1     Running       0          32s
nginx-od-58bdf79df4-skjsn       1/1     Running       0          32s
openldap-od-6dcc5d7f8b-g8gvj    1/1     Running       0          32s
pyos-od-784bd7b5c5-tdzxx        1/1     Running       0          32s
speedtest-od-5ff99b6579-st9jx   1/1     Running       0          32s