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Uninstall abcdesktop for kubernetes

Commands to uninstall abcdesktop release 3.0

To uninstall abcdesktop. Choose run run the bash script using a curl or run step by step uninstall commands manually.

Quick uninstallation abcdesktop (Linux or macOS)

Quick uninstallation can be run on Linux or macOS operation system.

Download and extract the uninstall bash script (Linux or macOS):

curl -sL | bash

You should read on stdout

starting abcdesktop uninstall commands start at 1669824908 epoch seconds
stop and remove abcdesktop user pods
pod "anonymous-33c30478-5cc0-4e18-b128-735694c98f3c" deleted
remove all services, pods "pyos-role" deleted "pyos-rbac" deleted
serviceaccount "pyos-serviceaccount" deleted "storage-local-abcdesktop" deleted
configmap "nginx-config" deleted
deployment.apps "memcached-od" deleted
secret "mongodb-secret" deleted
deployment.apps "mongodb-od" deleted
deployment.apps "nginx-od" deleted
deployment.apps "speedtest-od" deleted
deployment.apps "pyos-od" deleted
endpoints "desktop" deleted
service "desktop" deleted
service "memcached" deleted
service "mongodb" deleted
service "speedtest" deleted
service "nginx" deleted
service "pyos" deleted
deployment.apps "openldap-od" deleted
service "openldap" deleted
remove all secrets
secret "abcdesktopjwtdesktoppayload" deleted
secret "abcdesktopjwtdesktopsigning" deleted
secret "abcdesktopjwtusersigning" deleted
remove all configmaps
configmap "abcdesktop-config" deleted
configmap "kube-root-ca.crt" deleted
remove all pvc
No resources found
remove all pv
No resources found
remove namespace
namespace "abcdesktop" deleted
abcdesktop is uninstalled, in 48 seconds

Run step by step uninstall commands

Run the bash commands from the main content :

echo "stop and remove abcdesktop user pods"
kubectl delete pods --selector="type=x11server" -n abcdesktop
echo "remove all services, pods"
kubectl delete -f 
echo "remove all secrets"
kubectl delete secrets --all -n abcdesktop
echo "remove all configmaps"
kubectl delete cm --all -n abcdesktop
echo "remove all pvc"
kubectl delete pvc --all -n abcdesktop 2>/dev/null
echo "remove namespace"
kubectl delete namespace abcdesktop
echo "abcdesktop is uninstalled"

The last command kubectl delete namespace can take few minutes.

Please wait for the output message:

abcdesktop is uninstalled

Great, you have uninstalled abcdesktop for kubernetes.