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abcdesktop defines a user desktop as a group of user's containers. This is a main features of abcdesktop. Each container offers a service.

For example

  • printer is a service. printer service runs inside the user pod.
  • graphical is a service. graphical service runs inside the user pod and is the default service.

containers in the user pod

  • init contains init command for user pod
  • graphical is the user graphical service (X11 and VNC)
  • spawner is the command service for graphical service
  • broadcast is the broadcast service for graphical service
  • webshell is the web socket bash shell service for graphical service
  • printer is the printer service (cupsd)
  • printerfile is the file service to download generated PDF file (this file transfert service is dedicated for printer service)
  • sound is the sound service (pulseaudio) to send rtp stream from a container to the web browser via janus webrtc gateway
  • filer is the filer service to upload and download file into the user home directory
  • storage contains abcdesktop user secrets, like Kerberos, NTLM hashes, VNC password.

Each service :

  • can be enable or disable 'enable': True
  • can set dedicated 'resources' limits resources for a container
  • can set dedicated 'acl' to start or not using rules
  • can set dedicated 'securityContext' or use the spec securityContext
  • can set dedicated 'secrets_requirement, a list of secrets to run example ['abcdesktop/vnc', 'abcdesktop/kerberos']

default desktop.pod

desktop.pod : { 
  'spec' : {
    'shareProcessNamespace': True,
    'shareProcessMemory': True,
    'shareProcessMemorySize': '256Mi',
    'securityContext': { 
      'supplementalGroups': [ '{{ supplementalGroups }}' ],
      'runAsUser': '{{ uidNumber }}',
      'runAsGroup': '{{ gidNumber }}',
      'readOnlyRootFilesystem': False, 
      'allowPrivilegeEscalation': True
  'graphical' : { 
    'image': { 'default': 'abcdesktopio/oc.user.ubuntu:3.0' },
    'imagePullPolicy': 'IfNotPresent',
    'enable': True,
    'acl': { 'permit': [ 'all' ] },
    'waitportbin': '/composer/node/wait-port/node_modules/.bin/wait-port',
    'resources': { 
            'requests': { 'memory': "320Mi", 'cpu': "250m"  }, 
            'limits':   { 'memory': "1Gi",   'cpu': "1000m" } 
    'shareProcessNamespace': True,
    'tcpport': 6081,
    'secrets_requirement' : [ 'abcdesktop/vnc', 'abcdesktop/kerberos']
  'spawner' : { 
    'enable': True,
    'tcpport': 29786,
    'waitportbin' : '/composer/node/wait-port/node_modules/.bin/wait-port',
    'acl':  { 'permit': [ 'all' ] } 
  'broadcast' : { 
    'enable': True,
    'tcpport': 29784,
    'acl':  { 'permit': [ 'all' ] } 
  'webshell' : { 
    'enable': True,
    'tcpport': 29781,
    'acl':  { 'permit': [ 'all' ] } 
  'printer' : { 
    'image': 'abcdesktopio/oc.cupsd:3.0',
    'imagePullPolicy': 'IfNotPresent',
    'enable': True,
    'tcpport': 681,
    # cupsd need to start as root
    'securityContext': { 'runAsUser': 0 },
    'resources': { 
      'requests': { 'memory': "64Mi", 'cpu': "125m" },  
      'limits'  : { 'memory': "512Mi",  'cpu': "500m" } 
    'acl':  { 'permit': [ 'all' ] } 
  'printerfile' : { 
    'enable': True,
    'tcpport': 29782,
    'acl':  { 'permit': [ 'all' ] } 
  'filer' : { 
    'image': 'abcdesktopio/oc.filer:3.0',
    'imagePullPolicy':  'IfNotPresent',
    'enable': True,
    'tcpport': 29783,
    'acl':  { 'permit': [ 'all' ] } 
  'storage' : { 
    'image': '',
    'imagePullPolicy':  'IfNotPresent',
    'enable': True,
    'acl': { 'permit': [ 'all' ] },
    'resources': { 
      'requests': { 'memory': "32Mi",  'cpu': "100m" },  
      'limits'  : { 'memory': "128Mi", 'cpu': "250m" } 
  'sound': { 
    'image': 'abcdesktopio/oc.pulseaudio:3.0',
    'imagePullPolicy': 'IfNotPresent',
    'enable': False,
    'tcpport': 4714,
    'acl':  { 'permit': [ 'all' ] },
    'resources': { 
      'requests': { 'memory': "8Mi",  'cpu': "50m"  },  
      'limits'  : { 'memory': "64Mi", 'cpu': "250m" } 
  'init': { 
    'image': 'busybox',
    'enable': True,
    # 'imagePullSecrets': [ { 'name': name_of_secret } ]
    'imagePullPolicy': 'IfNotPresent',
    'securityContext': { 'runAsUser': 0 },
    'acl':  { 'permit': [ 'all' ] },
    'command':  [ 'sh', '-c',  'chmod 750 ~ && chown {{ uidNumber }}:{{ gidNumber }} ~ || true' ] 
  'ephemeral_container': {
    'enable': True,
    'securityContext': { 
        'supplementalGroups': [ '{{ supplementalGroups }}' ] ,
        'readOnlyRootFilesystem': False, 
        'allowPrivilegeEscalation': True, 
        'runAsUser':                '{{ uidNumber }}',
        'runAsGroup':               '{{ gidNumber }}'
    'acl':  { 'permit': [ 'all' ] }
  'pod_application' : {
    'enable': True,
    'securityContext': { 
        'supplementalGroups': [ '{{ supplementalGroups }}' ] ,
        'readOnlyRootFilesystem': False, 
        'allowPrivilegeEscalation': True, 
        'runAsUser':                '{{ uidNumber }}',
        'runAsGroup':               '{{ gidNumber }}'
    # 'imagePullSecrets': [ { 'name': name_of_secret } ]
    'acl':  { 'permit': [ 'all' ] } } }

common options


A container is added to the user pod if 'enable': True


The container is added to the user pod if acl matches. acl is based on tags and rules. Read the authentification-rules abcdesktop documentation to defined tags.


The image use the kubernetes pull policy values :

  • IfNotPresent the image is pulled only if it is not already present locally.
  • Always kubelet queries the container image registry to resolve the name to an image digest.
  • Never the kubelet does not try fetching the image. If the image is somehow already present locally, the kubelet attempts to start the container; otherwise, startup fails.

Read the pullpolicy kubernetes documentation to get more details.


waitportbin is a binary command line, embedded inside the container, to check if the container is ready to run. Commonly it uses the tcpport value.

The command is run with parameters :

/composer/node/wait-port/node_modules/.bin/wait-port -t {waitportbintimeout}*1000 {container_ipaddr}:{container_tcpport}


waitportbintimeout is the timeout in seconds to get waitportbin command result.


Image describe the container image name ( by default 'image': 'abcdesktopio/oc.user.ubuntu:3.0')


The imagePullSecret entry is the list of the secret name used by kubernetes to access to the private registry. The type of imagePullSecret is a list. This option is used if you need to store the abcdesktop docker image on your a private registry.

 imagePullSecret : [ { 'name': name_of_secret } ]
  • Example to build a registry Kubernetes secret named abcdesktopregistrysecret with the docker hub.
kubectl create secret docker-registry abcdesktopregistrysecret --docker-server= --docker-username=XXXXXXX --docker-password=YYYYYYYU
  • Example to build a registry Kubernetes secret named abcdesktopregistrysecret with your own privateregistry
kubectl create secret docker-registry abcdesktopregistrysecret --docker-server=registry.mydomain.local:443 --docker-username=XXXXXXX --docker-password=YYYYYYYU

The imagePullSecret become in this sample

 imagePullSecret : [ { 'name': 'abcdesktopregistrysecret' } ]


Resources come from the kubernetes resources containers management. Read the resources kubernetes documentation to get more details.

spec entry

spec entry defines the spec entry for a pod. All kubernetes entries are supported. Some of them are overwrited by abcdesktop.

  • {{ uidNumber }} is replaced by the user's uidNumber on ldap if the objectClass is posixAccount or if not set by the default user id set in option desktop.userid

  • {{ gidNumber }} is replaced by the user's gidNumber on ldap if the objectClass is posixAccount is replaced by the ldap gidNumber or if not set by the default group id set in option desktop.groupid

  • {{ supplementalGroups }} is replaced by the list of groups gidNumber is posixGroup

  • shareProcessNamespace When process namespace sharing is enabled, processes in a container are visible to all other containers in the same pod. Read the kubernetes shareProcessNamespace details, to get more details.

  • shareProcessMemory Shared memory segments are used to accelerate inter-process communication at memory speed, rather than through pipes or through the network stack. Shared memory is commonly used by databases and custom-built (typically C/OpenMPI, C++/using boost libraries) high performance applications for scientific computing and financial services industries. POSIX shared memory requires that a tmpfs be mounted at /dev/shm. Containers in a pod do not share their mount namespaces so we use volumes to provide the same /dev/shm into each container in a pod. Read shared_memory to get more details. Shared memory is defined as an emptyDir volume { 'name': 'shm', { 'medium': 'Memory', 'sizeLimit': shareProcessMemorySize } } minted on /dev/shm. Only ephemeral container application can share memory with the X11 server. To get more details about POSIX and UNIX System V shared memory objects, read the podshmtest repository.

  • shareProcessMemorySize is the size of shareProcessMemory. The size is set to the shm volume 'sizeLimit': shareProcessMemorySize

'spec' : {
    'shareProcessNamespace': True,
    'shareProcessMemory': True,
    'shareProcessMemorySize': '256Mi',
    'securityContext': { 
      'supplementalGroups': [ '{{ supplementalGroups }}' ],
      'runAsUser': '{{ uidNumber }}',
      'runAsGroup': '{{ gidNumber }}',
      'readOnlyRootFilesystem': False, 
      'allowPrivilegeEscalation': True

init container

init container run the init command. It changes access right to the user home directory. The init command runs as root by default with a securityContext 'securityContext': {'runAsUser':0, 'runAsGroup':0 }.

The command support {{ }} values. Values can be

  • '{{ uidNumber }}'
  • '{{ gidNumber }}'
  • '{{ uid }}'

Values are read from the previous ldap authentification.

  • '{{ uidNumber }}' is replaced by the ldap uidNumber or if not set by the default user id set in option desktop.userid
  • '{{ gidNumber }}' is replaced by the ldap gidNumber or if not set by the default group id set in option desktop.groupid
  • '{{ uid }}' is replaced by the ldap uid or if not set by the default user name set in option desktop.username


 'command':  [ 'sh', '-c',  'chmod 755 ~ && chown {{ uidNumber }}:{{ gidNumber }} ~ || true' ]