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Application image format uses OCI container image format and add some labels to describe the application. Labels add metadata to the container image.


  • A running container enegine (like dockerd)
  • An access to the docker public registry


Docker images applications for abcdesktop use docker's LABELS as metadata. To select only abcdesktop applications from standard docker images, all abcdesktop's applications must have a label 'oc.type' set to the value 'app'.

LABEL oc.type=app

Label descriptions

Label name Type Description Sample
oc.icon string icon filename use by the web interface for the application, MUST suffix in .svg format writer.svg
oc.icondata string icon file SVG data uuencoded PD94b...C9zdmc+Cg==
oc.keyword string keywords use by the web application search engine separated by comma(,) firefox,mozilla,web,internet
oc.desktopfile string .desktop gnome file name /usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop string category use by the web application store, choose one value of the default list [ 'office', 'games', 'graphics', 'development', 'utilities', 'education' ] office
oc.launch string X11 Windows Class name. It MUST be unique use the command 'wmctrl -lx' to can the right name
oc.template string Template name to use FROM in the DockerFile oc.template.gtk.firefox
oc.path string Path to the application binary /usr/bin/firefox
oc.args string arguments added to the command --open string Name of the application Firefox
oc.displayname string Display Name show by Web interface Firefox
oc.type string Always set to the value 'app' app
oc.mimetype string MimeType supported by the application separated by semicolon(;) text/html;text/xml;application/xml;application/rss+xml;video/webm
oc.showinview string Set to the dock to add this app in dock dock
oc.fileextensions string Supported extensions file, separated by semicolon(;) htm;html;xml;gif
oc.legacyfileextensions string Legacy file extensions, separated by semicolon(;) htm;html;xml
oc.host_config dict dictionary of resources (see resources details) { 'shm_size': '1g' }

Example for Firefox application

LABEL oc.icon="firefox.svg"
LABEL oc.keyword="firefox,mozilla,internet"
LABEL oc.launch="Navigator.Firefox"
LABEL oc.template="oc.template.gtk.firefox"
LABEL oc.displayname="Firefox"
LABEL oc.path="/usr/bin/firefox"
LABEL oc.type=app
LABEL oc.showinview="dock"
LABEL oc.mimetype="text/html;text/xml;application/xhtml+xml;application/xml;application/rss+xml;application/rdf+xml"
LABEL oc.fileextensions="html;xml;gif"
LABEL oc.legacyfileextensions="html;xml"

host_config resource description

host_config resource description allows to change the running context for docker application. host_config is a dictionary and uses the same format in applist.json file and od.config file.

For example you can set low cpu and memory values to an application like the great X11 xeyes.

    "mem_limit":  "32M", 
    "cpu_period":  50000, 
    "cpu_quota":   50000, 
    "pid_mode":   false, 
    "network_mode": "none" 

Read the dedicated chapter for resource description, to get more informations on host_config

Inspect an abcdesktop docker images

To download an abcdesktop docker image, run the command

docker pull abcdesktopio/firefox.d

To inspect the labels in the docker image, run docker inspect

docker inspect abcdesktopio/firefox.d:latest

Read the labels section :

"Labels": {
                "architecture": "x86_64",
                "": "office",
                "oc.desktopfile": "firefox.desktop",
                "oc.displayname": "Firefox",
                "oc.fileextensions": "htm;html;xml;gif",
                "oc.icon": "firefox.svg",
                "oc.icondata": "PD94b.. CUT HERE ...C9zdmc+Cg==",
                "oc.keyword": "firefox,mozilla,web,internet",
                "oc.launch": "Navigator.Firefox",
                "oc.legacyfileextensions": "htm;html;xml",
                "oc.mimetype": "text/html;text/xml;application/xhtml+xml;application/xml;application/rss+xml;application/rdf+xml;x-scheme-handler/http;x-scheme-handler/https;x-scheme-handler/ftp;video/webm;application/x-xpinstall;",
                "": "Firefox",
                "oc.path": "/usr/bin/firefox",
                "oc.showinview": "dock",
                "oc.template": "oc.template.gtk.firefox",
                "oc.type": "app",
                "oc.usedefaultapplication": "true",
                "release": "5",
                "vcs-ref": "master",
                "vcs-type": "git",
                "version": "1.2"

The inheritance of the images

All abcdesktop applications use by default the oc.template.gtk images name.

The inheritance of the classes.

By default, oc.templace.gtk is the main image for all applications. For example oc.template.gtk.firefox use the oc.template.gtk image. oc.template.gtk.firefox.acme use the oc.template.gtk.firefox.

  • The oc.template.gtk.firefox contains the Mozilla Firefox application.
  • The oc.template.gtk.firefox.acme may contain custom set for Mozilla Firefox application, like Root CA, proxy values or policy.json files for the acme.
|oc.template.gtk.firefox.acme  |
|oc.template.gtk.firefox       |
|oc.template.gtk               |