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How to create containerised application from scratch for troubleshooting


  • envsubst command preinstalled. Common Linux systems have envsubst preinstalled


  • Create a new containerised application from scratch using pod volume mapping
  • Start a pod and get a shell inside container as user root. Run xedit application as root
  • Start a pod and get a shell inside container as user hermes. Run xedit application as hermes

Create an application using a new container

We are starting a new containerised application from a fresh ubuntu:20.04 image and bind the X11 socket to use the pod DISPLAY.

We start a new container one as root, and another one as current user hermes

Start a new abcdesktop session

Open a web browser and go to abcdesktop service url

Login in as hermes

In the example we use LDAP authentification.

Login as hermes

The login is Hermes Conrad, the password is hermes

Login as hermes

Get hermes's pod variables: name, uid, XAUTH_KEY

Get a shell to your host. All next command use a host shell.

Get the hermes's pod name

To read the hermes pod name, MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1, and uid

kubectl get pod -l=access_userid=hermes -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}' -n abcdesktop

We save this value in the pod variable, for next usage

POD=$(kubectl get pod -l=access_userid=hermes -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}' -n abcdesktop)
echo $POD

You should read on stdout


We save this value in the $POD for a next usage.

Get the hermes's XAUTH_KEY

The release 3.0 need the MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 to reach the x11 DISPLAY.

Run the command echo $XAUTH_KEY to read the $XAUTH_KEY value inside the hermes's pod

export XAUTH_KEY=$(kubectl exec -n abcdesktop -it $POD -- bash -c 'echo $XAUTH_KEY')
Defaulted container "x-planet-hermes" out of: x-planet-hermes, c-planet-hermes, f-planet-hermes, o-planet-hermes, hermes-conrad-xterm-9e2589dc0da0473da8e33d3ab98abedc (ephem), i-planet-hermes (init)

The XAUTH_KEY variable is exported for a next usage.


Get the hermes's pod uid

kubectl get pod -l=access_userid=hermes -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.uid}' -n abcdesktop

We save this value in the PODUID exported variable, for next usage

export PODUID=$(kubectl get pod -l=access_userid=hermes -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.uid}' -n abcdesktop)
echo $PODUID

Inspect the Hermes's pod to look for Binding volume mapping

List files in /var/lib/kubelet/pods/$PODUID

The default kubelet's pod directory is /var/lib/kubelet/pods/. If you change it during the installation process replace /var/lib/kubelet/pods/ by your own directory.

ls -la /var/lib/kubelet/pods/$PODUID/volumes/
ls -la /var/lib/kubelet/pods/$PODUID/volumes/
total 4
drwxrwxrwt 2 root root   60 Dec  8 19:43 .
drwxr-xr-x 9 root root 4096 Dec  8 19:43 ..
srwxrwxrwx 1 1051 2051    0 Dec  8 19:43 X0

X0 is a file unix socket, we will bind the X0 socket in the next podapp.

Get the hermes's pod home-hermes volume location

kubectl get pod -l=access_userid=hermes -o jsonpath='{.items[0].spec.volumes[?("home-hermes")].hostPath.path}' -n abcdesktop

Description of this query

  • items[0] is the first entry of the pod list.
  • spec.volumes is an array
  • read all entries in spec.volumes where the"home-hermes" and return .hostPath.path

We save this value in the PODHOME exported variable, for next usage

export PODHOME=$(kubectl get pod -l=access_userid=hermes -o jsonpath='{.items[0].spec.volumes[?("home-hermes")].hostPath.path}' -n abcdesktop)

Check the value with a echo


Start a new container from ubuntu:20.04

Now we've got the all volumes path and XAUTH_KEY, let's start a new container with mounted volume

  • to the X11 socket /var/lib/kubelet/pods/$PODUID/volumes/
  • to the user homedir $PODHOME:/home/balloon

Create container in the pod sandbox with config file

We use envsubst to replace variable content in a template yaml file.

Some systems have gettext with envsubst preinstalled. However, if it is missing, you can install it using a package manager. For macOS you can use homebrew:

brew install gettext

The variables ${PODUID}, ${PODHOME} and ${XAUTH_KEY} are exported.

Make sure to use export, otherwise your variables are considered shell variables and might not be accessible to envsubst

Create a file podapp.template.yaml

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: podapp
  namespace: abcdesktop
  - name: x11socket
      # x11 directory location on host ${PODUID}
      path: /var/lib/kubelet/pods/${PODUID}/volumes/
      # this field is optional
      type: Directory
  - name: home
      # home directory location on host
      path: ${PODHOME}
      # this field is optional
      type: Directory
  - name: abccontainer
    image: ubuntu:20.04
    command: ["/bin/sleep"]
    args: ["1d"]
    - mountPath: /tmp/.X11-unix
      name: x11socket
    - mountPath: /home/hermes
      name: home
    - name: XAUTH_KEY
      value: ${XAUTH_KEY}

Run the envsubst command to replace ${PODUID}, ${PODHOME} and ${XAUTH_KEY}

envsubst < podapp.template.yaml > podapp.yaml 

Dump the podapp.yaml file content, and check that the volumes are set with the new values.

# cat podapp.yaml 
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: podapp
  namespace: abcdesktop
  - name: x11socket
      # directory location on host
      path: /var/lib/kubelet/pods/c6d2f8a7-eb7d-4a25-9a9c-9778ca9e35cf/volumes/
      # this field is optional
      type: Directory
  - name: home
      # directory location on host
      path: /tmp/hermes-conrad
      # this field is optional
      type: Directory
  - name: abccontainer
    image: ubuntu:20.04
    command: /bin/sleep 1d
    - mountPath: /tmp/.X11-unix
      name: x11socket
    - mountPath: /home/hermes
      name: home

Create the application pod

kubectl apply -f podapp.yaml 
pod/podapp created

Check that your pod podapp is Running

kubectl get pods podapp  -n abcdesktop
podapp   1/1     Running   0          32s

Get a shell in podapp

You get a shell command inside the container.

kubectl exec -it podapp  -n abcdesktop -- bash 
apt-get update && apt-get install -y xauth
export DISPLAY=:0.0

You can read on stdout

root@podapp:/# export DISPLAY=:0.0
root@podapp:/# echo $XAUTH_KEY
root@podapp:/# xauth add $DISPLAY MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 $XAUTH_KEY
xauth:  file /root/.Xauthority does not exist

The file /root/.Xauthority does not exist, it has been created.

Install your X11 applications

For example, I choose to install the x11-apps package

Replace x11-apps by your own application

apt-get install -y x11-apps

Start your X11 application

To start the X11 application, just run it. Your DISPLAY is set to :0.0, (for release 3.0, you've already added the MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1).

But remember you a running a container as root, and all commands are running as root inside the container.

Start xedit


Go back to your web browser.

A new x11 window xedit should be present on your display


xedit doesn't write any error message in the bash container.

You've get a shell inside a container to run and start any application. You can also install and start any others applications.

To clean the running pod podapp

kubectl delete pods podapp -n abcdesktop 

Start a new container from ubuntu:20.04 as hermes

To start a new container from ubuntu:20.04 as hermes, we have to add the localaccount secret volume to the previous container

Read the securityContext from the hermes pod

export PODRUNASUSER=$(kubectl get pods -l=access_userid=hermes -o json  -n abcdesktop | jq -r '.items[0].spec.securityContext.runAsUser')
export PODRUNASGROUP=$(kubectl get pods -l=access_userid=hermes -o json  -n abcdesktop | jq -r '.items[0].spec.securityContext.runAsGroup')

Check the uidNumber and the gidNumber values


Create a file hermespodapp.template.yaml

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: hermespodapp
  namespace: abcdesktop
    runAsUser: ${PODRUNASUSER}
    runAsGroup: ${PODRUNASGROUP}
  - name: x11socket
      # x11 directory location on host ${PODUID}
      path: /var/lib/kubelet/pods/${PODUID}/volumes/
      # this field is optional
      type: Directory
  - name: home
      # home directory location on host
      path: ${PODHOME}
      # this field is optional
      type: Directory
  - name: localaccount
      # localaccount directory location on host
      path: /var/lib/kubelet/pods/${PODUID}/volumes/
      # this field is optional
      type: Directory
  - name: hermescontainer
    image: ubuntu:20.04
    command: ["/bin/sleep"]
    args: ["1d"]
    - mountPath: /tmp/.X11-unix
      name: x11socket
    - mountPath: /home/hermes
      name: home
    - mountPath: /var/secrets/abcdesktop/localaccount
      name: localaccount
    - name: XAUTH_KEY
      value: ${XAUTH_KEY}

Create your hermespodapp.yaml file from the previous template

envsubst < hermespodapp.template.yaml > hermespodapp.yaml 

Look at your hermespodapp.yaml

cat hermespodapp.yaml 
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: hermespodapp
  namespace: abcdesktop
    runAsUser: 1051
    runAsGroup: 2051
  - name: x11socket
      # x11 directory location on host c6d2f8a7-eb7d-4a25-9a9c-9778ca9e35cf
      path: /var/lib/kubelet/pods/c6d2f8a7-eb7d-4a25-9a9c-9778ca9e35cf/volumes/
      # this field is optional
      type: Directory
  - name: home
      # home directory location on host
      path: /tmp/hermes-conrad
      # this field is optional
      type: Directory
  - name: localaccount
      # localaccount directory location on host
      path: /var/lib/kubelet/pods/c6d2f8a7-eb7d-4a25-9a9c-9778ca9e35cf/volumes/
      # this field is optional
      type: Directory
  - name: hermescontainer
    image: ubuntu:20.04
    command: ["/bin/sleep"]
    args: ["1d"]
    - mountPath: /tmp/.X11-unix
      name: x11socket
    - mountPath: /home/hermes
      name: home
    - mountPath: /var/secrets/abcdesktop/localaccount
      name: localaccount
    - name: XAUTH_KEY
      value: 306908f8e4d4768c7595ce5ad53479

Create the hermespodapp

kubectl apply -f hermespodapp.yaml 
pod/hermespodapp created

To install the x11 application package, we need a root access to the pod/hermespodapp. We use runc to get a rooted shell.

Read the containerID of the pod hermespodapp

CONTAINER=$(kubectl -n abcdesktop  get pod hermespodapp -o jsonpath="{.status.containerStatuses[].containerID}" |sed 's/.*\/\///')

Get the shell with runc command

runc --root /run/containerd/runc/ exec -t -u 0 $CONTAINER bash
groups: cannot find name for group ID 2051

This is correct group ID 2051 does not exit. Let's patch your file system with hermes credentials

  • /etc/passwd
  • /etc/group
  • /etc/shadow
  • /etc/gshadow
rm -f /etc/passwd && ln -s /var/secrets/abcdesktop/localaccount/passwd /etc/passwd
rm -f /etc/group && ln -s /var/secrets/abcdesktop/localaccount/group  /etc/group
rm -f /etc/shadow && ln -s /var/secrets/abcdesktop/localaccount/shadow /etc/shadow
rm -f /etc/gshadow && ln -s /var/secrets/abcdesktop/localaccount/gshadow /etc/gshadow

Now your files are updated. You can exit, and reopen a bash to your container

root@hermespodapp:/# exit
# runc --root /run/containerd/runc/ exec -t -u 0 $CONTAINER bash

The error message does not appear anymore.

Install your X11 applications as root

apt-get update && apt-get install -y x11-apps

Quit the root session


Start your X11 application as hermes

Start a new session to the pod hermespodapp

kubectl -n abcdesktop exec -it hermespodapp -- bash 

You get a shell prompt as as hermes. Check the hermes homedirectory and id number

hermes@hermespodapp:/$ cd
hermes@hermespodapp:~$ pwd
hermes@hermespodapp:~$ id 
uid=1051(hermes) gid=2051(hermes) groups=2051(hermes)

Export the var DISPLAY and start the edit application. You don't need to create the .Xauthority file. /home/hermes is already mounted as a volume.

hermes@hermespodapp:~$ export DISPLAY=:0.0
hermes@hermespodapp:~$ xedit &
[1] 699

This process is running as hermes :

hermes@hermespodapp:~$ ps -ef
UID          PID    PPID  C STIME TTY          TIME CMD
hermes         1       0  0 15:57 ?        00:00:00 /bin/sleep 1d
hermes       690       0  0 16:47 pts/0    00:00:00 bash
hermes       699     690  0 16:48 pts/0    00:00:00 xedit
hermes       700     690  0 16:49 pts/0    00:00:00 ps -ef

Go back to your web browser.

A new x11 window xedit should be present on your display


The name of the edit window is the name of your pod (hermespodapp).

To clean the running pod hermespodapp

kubectl delete -f hermespodapp.yaml 

You have created a pod to run an X11 application as a user in LDAP Directory. You get a root shell inside the pod, to patch, update or install other applications.