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Customize default wallpaper



  • Change the default wallpaper and use your own

Change od.config file

To update the default wallpaper file, add a ENV variable in the desktop.envlocal dictionary.

  • Add the new entry SET_DEFAULT_WALLPAPER to the value like welcometoabcdesktop.png. The file welcometoabcdesktop.png already exists in the /composer/wallpapers directory of your abcdesktopio/oc.user.XX.YY container image.
desktop.envlocal :  {   'DISPLAY'               : ':0.0',
                        'USER'                  : 'balloon',
                        'LOGNAME'               : 'balloon',
                        'LIBOVERLAY_SCROLLBAR'  : '0',
                        'UBUNTU_MENUPROXY'      : '0',
                        'HOME'                  : '/home/balloon',
                          'SET_DEFAULT_WALLPAPER' : 'welcometoabcdesktop.png'
  • Restart your pyos daemon, to make sure that the ENV dictionary will be use to start a new user container.
  • Login on your abcdesktop service, your should see the wallpaper file:

welcome to abcdesktop

Update oc.user image to add your own wallpaper

Find a new wallpaper image

Create a new oc.user image

  • Create a Dockerfile to copy the new wallpaper file in /composer/wallpapers directory

Not For a development environment, add the TAG dev

FROM abcdesktopio/oc.user.18.04:dev 
USER root
COPY silas-baisch-unsplash.jpg /composer/wallpapers
USER balloon
  • Build the new docker image

To build the new docker image, run the command line

docker build -t abcdesktopio/oc.user.18.04 .

You should read on the standard output :

Sending build context to Docker daemon  3.184MB
Step 1/4 : FROM abcdesktopio/oc.user.18.04:dev
 ---> 61bfdb4e71d4
Step 2/4 : USER root
 ---> Using cache
 ---> c1aa17b9999c
Step 3/4 : COPY silas-baisch-unsplash.jpg /composer/wallpapers
 ---> 73c786ecca04
Step 4/4 : USER balloon
 ---> Running in 1e0ad794c0cb
Removing intermediate container 1e0ad794c0cb
 ---> a0b12a183b47
Successfully built a0b12a183b47
Successfully tagged abcdesktopio/oc.user.18.04:dev

Change od.config file

To update the default wallpaper file, add a ENV variable in the desktop.envlocal dictionary.

  • Add the new entry SET_DEFAULT_WALLPAPER to the value like silas-baisch-unsplash.jpg. The file silas-baisch-unsplash.jpg exists in the /composer/wallpapers directory of your new abcdesktopio/oc.user.18.04 container image.
desktop.envlocal :  {   'DISPLAY'               : ':0.0',
                        'USER'                  : 'balloon',
                        'LOGNAME'               : 'balloon',
                        'LIBOVERLAY_SCROLLBAR'  : '0',
                        'UBUNTU_MENUPROXY'      : '0',
                        'HOME'                  : '/home/balloon',
                          'SET_DEFAULT_WALLPAPER' : 'silas-baisch-unsplash.jpg'
  • Restart your pyos daemon, to make sure that the ENV dictionary will be use to start a new user container.
  • Login on your abcdesktop service, your should see the wallpaper :

welcome to abcdesktop