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Nginx oc.nginx

Update oc.nginx

Nginx is used as a reverse proxy server for HTTP, HTTPS protocols, as well as a load balancer, HTTP cache, and a web server (origin server).

Nginx routing

nginx routing

Nginx Configuration

web site

The static files (html, css, js) are stored in the local /var/webModules directory.

main reverse proxy

  • moauth|fauth|gauth|oauth|autologin|API|status are routed to http://$my_proxy:$api_service_tcp_port;
  • /spawner is routed to nodejs spawner service http://$target:$spawner_service_tcp_port;
  • /websockify is routed to websocket http://$target:$ws_tcp_bridge_tcp_port/;
  • /u8_1_11025 is routed to pulseaudio sound service http://$target:$pulseaudio_http_port/listen/source/u8_1_11025.monitor;
  • /filer is routed to nodejs filer service http://$target:8080
  • /broadcast is routed to nodejs broadcast service http://$target:$broadcast_tcp_port;

LUA scripts

The /etc/nginx/get.targetmap.lua read the jwt_token and return the ip address or the pod's fqdn, using the jwt_desktop_signing_public_key and the jwt_desktop_payload_private_key

It uses a targetmap (dict) as first cache level.

lua_shared_dict targetmap 1m;

Read the lua script get.targetmap.lua to get details jwt token data and payload encryption.